Benefits of the Mediterranean diet, healthy & traditional food in Malaga

Are you into healthy habits? Then you might find interesting this article about benefits of the Mediterranean diet and the most popular dishes in Malaga. Cuisine in Malaga is based on natural ingredients, olive oil, fresh fish and seafood; having a dinner in a restaurant next to the beach and having after a walk by the shore at sunset, is one of those things that you can't put a price. Are you ready to enjoy your visit to Malaga?
Benefits of the Mediterranean diet

Malaga ice cream, want to know what is Malaga flavour?

The original Malaga flavor is made with sweet wine and raisins from the province. There is another type of 'Málaga ice cream' made with rum, raisins from Turkey and common sweet wines, so do not be mistaken when ordering it. This ice cream is made with natural products and without any colorants or additives, just milk and sugar added to the mixture.
Malaga ice cream flavor

Easy Gazpacho recipe for dummies

Gazpacho is a typical southern Spanish drink, especially indicated for the hot summer months, as it is both very nourishing and refreshing and with the high temperatures there in summer, often you might not feel having a complete meal. So it´s great to have already some fresh Gazpacho prepared in the fridge, let's learn how to make it with this easy Gazpacho recipe!
Gazpacho Andaluz

Boquerones en Vinagre – Spanish recipe for fresh anchovies

One of the most delicious dishes you can eat in Malaga are the 'boquerones en vinagre' (Anchovies Marinated in Vinegar), a rich delicatessen which dates back to around 3000 years old, do you want to know how to prepare them?
Spanish anchovies tapa